Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wimax Phone Will I Have Wimax Service On My Cell Phone?

Will I have Wimax service on my cell phone? - wimax phone

Ultimately, the answer is yes. First, you can expect to see Wi-Fi service with the convergence of mobile devices. The first GSM / WiMAX device has been introduced recently in Russia. This device works with the WiMAX system of society where, in its GSM network and runs on systems from another company.
This early push to teach both fixed and mobile wireless industry a great deal about the existence of technological cooperation. In the U.S., converged T-Mobile has begun testing a Wi cellular / Wi-Fi Fixed-Mobile in the northwestern Pacific. A number of other companies with dual-mode phones on the market but has adopted slowly. T-Mobile uses a Nokia mobile phone. Reference models for the form-factor PC Card Wi-Max cards already on the market in a number of different companies. The short answer is that Wi-Max is in your phone just around the corner.

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