The vet thinks bruno has cancer? - overactive tyroid and dental treatment
Bruno cat my children to us it was about 6 years ago we had pulled all her teeth because her gums were severely infected and did not respond to treatment, 2 years ago was like a hyperactive diognosed Tyro, which is well treated, about 9 months, I was very ill, is a mass near his lungs, which was treated with dieretic treatment, the vet gave him after 3 months, a couple of weeks, showed an increase in weight, which makes him a vet, the 2 images in the mass near his has liver has splein recompressed and returned to the liquid, the liquid could be removed from the stomach into the test not found cancer cells, but the vet believes she lymphomas more tests, operations, and may wish to make chemotherapy brunos we suspect, aged about 17-18 on the basis ofare their problems and the look, the thing is that it seems that all hard, but extending this treatment to improve your Quailty of life or even his sufferings, all that I love you, Bruno, he hates being confused with him very streesed go to the vet because she was Poos, a healthy cat youngest Council is not obliged to receive the treatment, though I know it's better to just live the life you have now or put it on all the stress and surgury for something that can not work, it is painful for us all, please answer SensAble,
Hi Jackie, I agree with Julian in this case. Taking into account their age and what happened, I think you have a wonderful job with him and he seems to be responsible and loving pet owners.
What I described is certainly cancer and ascites is not something that will not disappear. This means that your liver is broken. When this happens, there is nothing that can bring him back.
And they remember what happened to the veterinarian, as he has received him on his age and care, something that I did not happen.
I would not say that many questions to learn here, as are many of the due diligence on the ownership of pets. But do not fall clearly into this category.
I metwith your veterinarian (or perhaps know a second opinion from another), what to do at this point, I think you've made a decision. I think it all comes to quality of life you want to give to the last day in this life. Or he has tested, such as chemotherapy and this is only his bad day, or analgesic demand to their behavior on a daily basis, and when the time comes to control the release of his pain.
This is not an easy road to travel, but if an animal in your home, your residence in your heart. We are your voice and can also be healing when it is time to go home.
Good luck, and would sometimes sweet, with the remaining time with him.
It would be better if you went to sleep, he is a lot! Im sure that you had a wonderful life. Sorry, that Bruno is in ill.
I understand that your cat is a "developed ascites, the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. It often happens with end-end heart or liver disease.
A mass in the liver, probably explain the symptoms you describe.
I do not think we need more studies on this point: your poor cat is suffering from cancer, which is not good news. Moreover, in my experience, the development of ascites is a bad sign. Therefore, the age of Bruno test, I would not consider chemotherapy a viable option.
The best way is probably to a worthy end, Bruno and let him go to sleep quietly.
Best wishes, Julien
I work in a veterinary clinic as a veterinary nurse, so I can appreciate, what these animals are considered in this type of cancer. I have 2 cats that I love and never use such a treatment, chemotherapy is the heartbreaking thing to see an animal.
Your cat is very old, and although his health was fantastic, probably only live a couple of years, you do not enforce, and it has already shown his care for him through the treatment has given them.
Good Luck
Lost after a cat to another bad food, I get your records from your veterinarian to another vet and look at him. You can even for your cat, and will help with the stress of Bruno.
There is nothing easy about the decisions you have to do. You know in your heart what is right, what to do. Get a second opinion, but if the same thing the kitten who loves to live with you today.
My heart feels what you are through.
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