Friday, January 15, 2010

Dark Eye Make Up Tips Make Up Tips For Dark, Deep Set Eyes?

Make up tips for dark, deep set eyes? - dark eye make up tips

My eyes are very large, but the problem deeper into my face, that other
I do not know, or something looking like an idiot, but I can not wear dark make-up, such as purple or brown, because it seems he was hit in the face!

No consultation about the colors that you can use or how to make the eyes seem so immersed?

Thank you, ladies!


Meredith B said...

Choose colors that are lighter than your skin tone, but does not appear ashy. Stay away from gray, or whatever the same color as the dark under the eyes (so you have a problem with the purple and brown). Try fish or bone colored pink if you want a stone or champagne, silver, bronze, gold, or something in the area, if you like, metallic luster. Stay far away from dark colors because this is the crease of your eyes yet. You should probably keep from shining on the front (just a second, even if the brightness in the rest of the eyelid) as his prominent eyebrows and her eyes are not.

Keep it simple shadow and instead focus on a dark line - Use darker than the color of the eye, the maximum resolution.

Jak said...

Gold? or something light and bright as the light catches?

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