Sunday, January 10, 2010

Eye Floater Removal Removal Of Floater In Eyes?

Removal of floater in eyes? - eye floater removal

Floaters are standard. They are caused by drilling and fracture endothelial cells floating in the vitreous.

If you go to a sudden change in vision, because it, go get a doctor.


link955 said...

Floaters are common for people with astigmatism, myopia. I have. They are annoying, but harmless. I have heard off is unnecessary, because they are repeated. You learn to ignore most of the time.

elysee said... = ... ask your doctor.

riclavme... said...

VITREOLENT use eye drops 3x daily for 2 weeks. if no help, please consult your ophthalmologist.

MARCY said...

Depending on how these floaters are annoying, I would say the opportunity to try how to ignore them. If you just suddenly, I would like to see a specialist, because it could be a sign of a retinal detachment. You see flashes of light from time to time? It is a clear sign of detachment, or at least some types of eye problems. I had a spontaneous detachment of the retina of both eyes. For me, there are many signs. The reason for the separation is not clear, except for my age at the time. As we get older, the vitreous frozen in our eyes, but remains on the inside of the eye (retina) spontaneously in the annexed part of the eye moves and takes a portion of the retina with it. In my case, I saw a flash of light while cooking dinner. Gradually he began to lose vision in the eye, and in twenty-four hours he was blind in one eye. I say this so that you know that this might be meant seriously and must be checked quickly. Do not let the medical front. OneTime is still open to resolve the retina for surgery to the problem. I hope that is what happens in your own eye, not what I said earlier, but I know that if it is detected early and his SIGNT residue. Maybe not normal, but you will be able to see. I'm lucky. I can without the help and unity as well. Good luck to you. Now Get Busy and you will find see a specialist.

I would also say that any interference with the eye itself a risk factor. I did not delete these, he just floats floaters. I doubt that any doctor would make the recommendation.

idoc4u2 said...

99.9% of the time you have to live with the swimmers. They are boring, but surgery to remove it, is not funny. The only reason to eliminate the float, if something would be at stake than a retinal detachment. They will be removed, remove the float must be jelly behind the eye and the inclusion of a gas to fill the space, while the eye fluid to fill the empty space.

Just Q said...

Hipefull is pretty right on.
MARCY gives a good answer, but partially incorrect.

Floaters are cells that circulate in the viterous eye (s) are normal and that eventually grits ungelled their place in viterous until they see more.
Since we (at our 50, but this amount is not the rule) age, begins to shrink and shrink the viterous and away from the retina.
We hope moving slowly and do not affect the retina, but it can often times enough to cast on the retina, retinal holes. Once a hole in the retina of the entire retina may arise from the back of the eye and can lead to blindness.
Contusions on the head can also cause these occur at any age. . . Fighters like Sugar Ray Leonard is a good example.
If you have a hole in the retina, are great flashes of light, as it is the response of the retina to injury, because she has no pain receptors.
After a hole or tear in the retina is mIn addition, the drives that you now can see the blood and is often seen as a large stream of points is considered to be reported by the patient. Even compared to something like just the start sillouette duck. Remember that the retina looks like things on its head when a stream of vanishing points higher than what is going on down.
If a hole / crack detected early, can be treated with laser shots, which was actually lose the "glue" the retina to the savings and the rest of the retina, but the eyes that reached where the hole / crack and laser treatment.
A FEW floaters are normal and you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist? ! ! I recommend an ophthalmologist, because they are the only retinal lasers. See an eye doctor first money is to listen only to see an eye doctor to go, unless you have a truckload of money is a waste of money.
There are no drops or ointments that treat floaters! ! Do not waste that money does not.

Just Q said...

Hipefull is pretty right on.
MARCY gives a good answer, but partially incorrect.

Floaters are cells that circulate in the viterous eye (s) are normal and that eventually grits ungelled their place in viterous until they see more.
Since we (at our 50, but this amount is not the rule) age, begins to shrink and shrink the viterous and away from the retina.
We hope moving slowly and do not affect the retina, but it can often times enough to cast on the retina, retinal holes. Once a hole in the retina of the entire retina may arise from the back of the eye and can lead to blindness.
Contusions on the head can also cause these occur at any age. . . Fighters like Sugar Ray Leonard is a good example.
If you have a hole in the retina, are great flashes of light, as it is the response of the retina to injury, because she has no pain receptors.
After a hole or tear in the retina is mIn addition, the drives that you now can see the blood and is often seen as a large stream of points is considered to be reported by the patient. Even compared to something like just the start sillouette duck. Remember that the retina looks like things on its head when a stream of vanishing points higher than what is going on down.
If a hole / crack detected early, can be treated with laser shots, which was actually lose the "glue" the retina to the savings and the rest of the retina, but the eyes that reached where the hole / crack and laser treatment.
A FEW floaters are normal and you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist? ! ! I recommend an ophthalmologist, because they are the only retinal lasers. See an eye doctor first money is to listen only to see an eye doctor to go, unless you have a truckload of money is a waste of money.
There are no drops or ointments that treat floaters! ! Do not waste that money does not.

☺Catrion... said...

You should make an appointment with an optician's heart to receive net. Not necessarily something to fear, but I think they give medication for it. However, they know how to handle them.

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