Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Digital Instant Cameras Cool & Hot! Not An Oxymoron! Are They Any Digital Cameras That Truly Take 'instant' Pictures?

Are they any digital cameras that truly take 'instant' pictures? - digital instant cameras cool & hot! not an oxymoron!

Most digital cameras have a delay between pressing the button and if you really need the picture a few seconds. Are there cameras to eliminate or reduce the delay?


Picture Taker said...

Reflex has virtually no shutter lag whatsoever.

When you approach, press the shutter button half ago, while pursuing his goal - or if you have to think that is your problem if you take the picture - who want to make a significant contribution. You can use your device for the "sport" or set "Landscape", and this minimizes the delay. If you do not flash to help you. If you disable the "face", you might help. If you are off the LCD and use the viewfinder only, it will be useful.

A point and shoot cameras are better than others. I have a Canon Powershot SD900, which I think is too fast. If you http://www.dpreview.com and read the reviews (once for the cameras you are considering available), you can get to the page called "Performance" and see exactly what is being tested, the release date as well as several other performace benchmarks.

Here is a link to a chart of various cameras and their shutter lag shows and how long it takes to shoot five pictures:
http:// Www.cameras.co.uk / html / shutter ...

ngufra said...

Press the shutter button halfway before the camera leaves the complletely make you ready, so he takes the picture down very quickly after it in its entirety.

There was a camera (Olympus E100RS) to start recording before you press the shutter button and you can select the best picture a little earlier so pressing if the button.
I had a great 10-times zoom, but it was only 1.5 megapixels it was not a commercial success, but the idea was ingenious.

David said...

Yes, but they are crazy expensive.

teef_au said...

Well technically, all cameras have a slight delay. However, SLR cameras so fast, they do not notice the delay.

The loss of time, the camera choices about the direction and exposure. SO reduce the time to make these decisions themselves. Manual focus and exposure settings. This includes learning more about photography and may have a camera that has this configuration, but it separates a good photographer average.

IAmWonde... said...

Most Nikon cameras are specifically designed to use most journalists, professional photographers, newspapers and other media and photographers. They start at $ 500 and are quite expensive, but offer an amazing quality. A less expensive device is decent, snapshots are the pictures of the Sony Cybershot camera, normally sold for about $ 250 USD. You must as soon as I've seen on any camera.

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