Sunday, January 31, 2010

Graduation Name Card Size How Do I Repair My Credit? Ive Already Paid Off Delinquent Accounts And Now Only Have 1 Credit Card. Help?

How do I repair my credit? Ive already paid off delinquent accounts and now only have 1 credit card. Help? - graduation name card size

I had a few overdue accounts, but they were all paid in full. Currently I am a student and student loans are not required, however, you only pay on completion of studies is approximately one year from now. Currently, I stole 1 card in my name, and together with my father, with him as security. How can I repair my credit so it will be good for me to finance a car in a year or to obtain a mortgage for 2 or 3 years? Help please?


BillK said...

For the story, any kind of credit to get credit is much more important than the credit rating. Often, the lack of credit history is equated with bad credit. You should be aware that lenders go through your credit report if a loan to buy a house. Therefore you should polish your credit report. However, in order to create a good credit rating and also took the credit rating in a short time for the following tasks:

1) Close all credit cards except this book. It is reflected in your credit report and is a very good sign. For example: Suppose you have 5 credit cards with a credit limit of $ 1000 each. So, you are responsible for $ 5000 debt as possible. But if it now includes 4 of them for only $ 1000 debt reduces the risk of lending to you.

2) If you like car loans or credit records, their credit cards, try to pay more than the payment every month for 6 months. I mean, their expiration month your car loan is $ 150, try to pay up to $ 250 each month. Lenders see these trendsYour credit report, and they see that you are a responsible borrower.
If you do not have these loans, I suggest you get a loan of $ 4,000 to $ 3,000 - and you pay in full 5-6 months. You can pay $ 200 - $ 300 of interest, but can save thousands on your mortgage and interest rates.

Also Order ...
There are many articles relating to your question, you can improve your credit.

Sane said...

All we can do is keep your payments current and avoid mistakes. Time is on their side. You have to be patient.

Todd S said...

The first time was needed to restore credit rating. Secondly, if you know only a credit card, we do bad things. The first rule for managing credit is to pay the debt, but leave the credit lines for positive coverage and the depth of the credit to maintain.

I recommend opening another credit card and pay each month. You need more lines of credit. Maybe even open a second letter, so sure, or that takes mobile phone bill or a credit line similar to your credit report.

Sounds like you have much to learn. Start here:

Todd S said...

The first time was needed to restore credit rating. Secondly, if you know only a credit card, we do bad things. The first rule for managing credit is to pay the debt, but leave the credit lines for positive coverage and the depth of the credit to maintain.

I recommend opening another credit card and pay each month. You need more lines of credit. Maybe even open a second letter, so sure, or that takes mobile phone bill or a credit line similar to your credit report.

Sounds like you have much to learn. Start here:

enyhsnus... said...

Ok ... The good news is that you can repair your credit. The bad news is that will probably take longer than one year. Basically, all repairs is on your credit card time. The use of credit cards you are paying on time. The more you payments prior to maturity, the higher your credit score is. Register from experience (had to bankruptcy, there are about 4 years), the best way to improve your credit card, credit cards are used. Hogwild not go and run a massive bill though. To make payments, even if only the minimum. You do not need every time the card to repay that may not useless. The fact that you are proving able to retain a credit balance on the card, but still making payments to other creditors, it is good for the loan they are applying.
Hope that helps ...:)

cyguysd said...

Start and do not try to help a criminal on their current credit cards, to move. To prove his costs if you use credit cards, which you now try to pay the amounts in Swiss francs a month, if possible. If you have a colleague to pay the bills by the time you see your name so you can borrow money to pay them regularly. Your still young at this time is the best way to create a better credit I think to generate. Your father will always be able to co-sign for your car or mortgage, so that you do not so stressed. Good luck.

cyguysd said...

Start and do not try to help a criminal on their current credit cards, to move. To prove his costs if you use credit cards, which you now try to pay the amounts in Swiss francs a month, if possible. If you have a colleague to pay the bills by the time you see your name so you can borrow money to pay them regularly. Your still young at this time is the best way to create a better credit I think to generate. Your father will always be able to co-sign for your car or mortgage, so that you do not so stressed. Good luck.

mey t said...

1) Ask the credit bureaus.

2) Make a mistake in it.

3) Prepare a record of credit problems and disputes error.

4) Contact by phone for home borrowers with whom they agree. Registration details of the appeal, including the name of the person with whom you spoke and a summary of the agreements.

5) Send the letter to the original debtor.

6) In letters to collectors, dispute the bill. So, send proof of payment to the original creditor.

7) Fill in the form of protest, the Credit Bureau.

8) Write a letter to each element individually do not agree and the Credit Bureau sent by registered mail. Put the evidence for his assertion.

9) The office will provide a reference. Call the office with this number and the progress of the matter.

10) Keep a record of credit, which includes a detailed report on his case.

$m¤¤v¥ £¤¢¤ said...

Unfortunately you can not build a new loan and forget about the old loans. Regrets that he brought into this situation, but I have a few simple steps that help you back on track. The best way to get credit is to develop and begin to build a banking relationship, but not directly to credit for the creation of a reference point in which creditors can see that you manage your finances to build responsibly. What can be made with a checking account and savings in a bank means that you are starting for a credit card with low balance in favor of right, whether it is a secured credit card. While he pays a deposit to secure a credit line that the tape would generate interest in the meantime, you prove your creditworthiness. Usually after 6 months to a year, the card can make a state without any warranty and may not be your deposit with interest. Another thing is to have the bills paid on time every month now. (CGR) consumer reporting agency that you have the payments you made and you can addsame month, and appears as everything else is stated in their traditional credit reports. Items such as rent, utilities, telephone, day care, may be reported transfers and pay bills in a plane, which are used in conjunciton with your credit reports compiled. I suggest checking out this site. Even if you are not able to credit you forget, you can improve and get the credit card you want.

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